systematic code meaning in Chinese
- This article contains three parts , namely , preface , body and conclusion . the preface mainly introduces the discussing subject and writing purposes of this article . body is divided into four parts : from the beginning of actio in rem and actio in personam in roman law , the first part detailedly inspects and analyses the formation process of the dual rights system in historical research methods ; the second part discusses the theoretical framework of the dual rights structure from the aspect of system ; the third part mainly analyses the middle rights and the integration of real rights and creditor ’ s rights and the reasons for the emergence of these phenomena , pointing out that the emergence of these phenomena is unevitable in civil law system which ajusts social relationship with systematic code , and how
正文分为四个部分:第一部分采用历史研究的方法,从罗马法上的对人之诉和对物之诉出发,对物债二分体系的形成过程进行了细致的考察和分析;第二部分从体系化的角度讨论了物债二分体系的理论构成,对其理论架构进行了总体上的研究;第三部分着重分析了物权与债权的融合和中间状态及其出现这些现象的原因,指出在运用体系化的方法调整社会关系的过程中,出现物权和债权中间状态的权利形态是不可避免的现象,并对如何正确看待这些问题进行了论证;第四部分在前文论述的基础上,对我国一些学者提出的制定财产法和设立财产法总则的观点的可行性进行了分析,指出无论是从我国大陆法系的传统还是从技术层面来看,制定财产法或设立财产法总则都是不可行的。 - Such code is also called gradually good code or shannon code . in 1993 , c . berro etc . firstly proposed a new channel code method - turbo code , which employed recursive systematic code 、 the random interleaver 、 map ( maximum a posteriori ) algorithm and iterative decoding algorithm obtained the capacity that had only 0 . 7db difference compared to the shannon limitation
1993年c . berro等首先提出了一种全新的信道编码方式? turbo码,采用递归系统码与随机交织器构造turbo码,并将map ( maximumaposteriori )算法和迭代算法应用于解码过程,获得了与香农理论极限仅差0 . 7db的性能。